Which Premier League Managers will be Sacked this Summer?

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Barclays Premier League – Flickr Creative Commons

With most sides having only five matches left in the Premier League season, club boards have likely already begun their manager evaluations. The days and weeks after the end of the Premier League season are some of the darkest for any manager.

Many Premier League managers — and soccer managers in general — dread this time of the year. While many might feel they did a decent job managing their current club, the thinking and decision making of the club’s board is not always the same.

Many shocking moves have come in the past as well. Whether it be Roberto Mancini’s sacking at Manchester City less than a year after winning the Premier League title or Tony Pulis being let go as Stoke City manager after spending ten season over two tenures at the club.

While their are some moves that will be greeted with great fan support, others will cause some unrest within the supporter base. While the club’s may feel the need to make a change in manager, each side must resist the urge to just change manager’s for the sake of change.

With that in mind, we take a look at all twenty Premier League sides and what chances their manager has of returning to the club next season.

Next: The Untouchables